15 Gifts For The Dryers Heat Pump Lover In Your Life


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15 Gifts For The Dryers Heat Pump Lover In Your Life

Jimmy 0 4 04.27 12:00
Why Buy a Dryer With a Heat Pump?

Like standard electric or gas dryers, heat pump dryers warm air before pumping it into the drum. The warm air isn't directed into the vents where it could cause problems like clogged lint filters and energy waste.

Ventless heat pump dryers heat pump can be set up anywhere, since they cool the air and eliminate moisture. Learn more about their other advantages.

Energy Efficiency

hoover-h-dry-300-hleh9a2tce-freestanding-heat-pump-tumble-dryer-a-9-kg-load-white-1802.jpgWhile traditional vented dryers consume large amounts of energy to operate, heat pump dryers use only a fraction as much. They don't have to generate heat like conventional dryers. They rely instead on a closed loop refrigerant loop, similar to an air conditioner. The air that passes through the dryer's evaporator coil heats and absorbs moisture. The moisture is drained into a tray which can be manually empty or connected to a drain pipe. Then the cool air flows back through the coils and the cycle repeats.

According to Energy Star, heat pump dryers use around two-thirds of the electricity per load of a conventional dryer. They also require no venting which means there's no chance for lint accumulation in dryer vents, thereby reducing the chance of fire. And since they're ventless, they can be used in any space with an electrical outlet, dryers heat pump which makes them ideal for apartments and other tight spaces.

The energy efficiency of heat pump dryers also translates into lower utility bills. This is especially important considering the increasing cost of electricity. Despite the higher upfront purchase cost of dryers that use heat pump they usually pay for themselves in less than two years because of their significantly reduced operating costs.

Electric heat pump dryers also use less energy than condensing dryers which don't use heat pumps. Their cycles are longer than conventional dryers.



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